Sunday 17 July 2011

Pedal Mad turns into to Mad Pedal

Well hello so swiftly from the last blog! Wasn't expecting that, but to be fair, I wasn't really expecting today!
Up early after a cracking nights sleep and off to Dartington Primary School for the Pedal Mad Mountain Bike Orienteering event!

I offered to help Kris with this event back at the time of the 103 mile challenge. I wasn't going to cycle as I only had the 'green bike' at the time (now at over £22 on ebay) anyway as Kris was so epic helping us staying up all night to give us our 4am lift it was only fair I try and help on his epic event.

Fairly good turn out considering but I will be completely honest and say that the Totnes end of South Hams Martial Arts was very very disappointing. Considering we were raising funds for our clubs it was very sad indeed :(

There were some pro guys there today and they eventually won and it seems that all enjoyed the experience.
Thanks Lesley for the cheese and cucumber roll :)
The 3 and a bit hours passed fairly easily actually and the bikers came back.

We cleared up and I offered to pick up some of the markers for Kris. Thinking that it was all flat and everything from my house to the 4 I was picking up! *why?*

I set off on my new lovely mountain bike, new to me anyway, and found marker 3, the one that everyone said had been stolen! Yay! I found one! Wooohoooo!

Then the next one by the watermill, then off to the Steiner School. I missed a bit of cyclepath, rode along the road and had to go back to find the marker, this was the first time I realised I am no good with maps and stuff like that and behind the table today on van rescue mission should it be required was my best job!

Found the third out of 4 and then up the lane past the kennels and found the little rocky muddy track that the last one was up!

My gears stuck, I had to stand up, fell off twice, tried again to change gear but I think the bike needs a service! I got off and ran up the track with my bike, so much easier! haha

Found the last one, checked out the map (hmmm) and thought I could just carry on......

Long story cut short, I ended up in Rattery! 5.5 miles from Totnes in the opposite direction!
Called Kris to let him know I had his markers and that I was lost and he laughed a lot, as I would, and did!

Anyway, declined the offer of a rescue mission lift and found my own way back to Totnes in under 30 mins! Woohoo!

It was fun, and reminds me why I never just turn back around and go back the same way! It's all about the adventure for me :)

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