Thursday 28 July 2011

Kickboxing Quickie!

Hi all

No pictures on this one, just wanted to give a few words on tonight as I'm still wired from it and my feet have the most epic carpet burns!

6.10 the lovely Cy - Famous for Dartington Village Stores and being a Red Belt Kickboxer, picked me up, he already had our newest Kickboxer, Matt in his massive vehicle and off we went to Plymouth!

Down the A38, off on the 386 (oh yeah baby, I know my road numbers!) to Derriford and The Devonshire! Oh my life what a massive sorted place of exercise that is!

Anyway, we went in and I saw my most favourite sparring partner ever, Joanna (I cant spell or pronounce her surname as yet, but I will) and I knew all was gooooooooood :)

So in we went into a sort of 'rough-veloured' area (I dont know how to spell the fabric name sorry! Or even what it is) and got hot and sweaty!

It was a Kickboxing Seminar to be reckoned with the lovely Sir, Mr Houston is a man that I like a lot. He does a lot of punching, lots and lots, that's what I loved about my grading, he let me punch a lot! And we did that tonight and it was so so so so good I am excited, can you tell?

Anyway, the finish was a brilliant CV circuit, me and Joanna went head to head (without cheating .... unlike others!) and sweated or wotsits off!

Anyway, the main point of this blog is that I had another epic adventure! And the best bit was Cy's Amy Winehouse joke on the way back that had no punchline, that I still laughed at!

Night all, had a fantastic night and lost a whole kilo in water :)

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