Saturday 16 July 2011

Judgement Day - Totnes in Bloom 2011

As I said at the start of my Epic Adventures blog, it's not always all about the sport and extreme challenges.
My epic adventures will come in all shapes and sizes, from one extreme to the other.

This week, on my Mum's birthday we had the judging of the Totnes in Bloom local gardens competition.

The categories were

Best Front Garden
Best Commercial Premises
Best Communal Project
Best Container/Patio garden
Best Licensed Premises

We put the forms into the paper well in advance this year and we had 38 properties within all categories to go and judge.

The 3 judges this year were our current Mayor of Totnes, Judy Westacott, South Hams representative Rob Harkness, and myself. We were going for a Radio Devon celebrity but we had to suffer me, the Chairman of Totnes in Bloom instead!
This was my 5th year of judging the competition, I think we only had about 5 gardens to look at in that first year so you can see how much our competition has bloomed! *hangs head in shame for that one*

We got on 'Bob the Bus' the town bus (very different from the Town Bike! No further comments please) and off we went hitting Bridgetown first.
Epic parts of Bridgetown, the Edible Planters at Steamer Quay. They looked so much better than the neglected planters that used to be there. The Edible Gardens in Totnes have really taken off this year and it's the perfect town for it.
Totnes in Bloom isnt about floral displays and neatly trimmed bushes but it's getting deeper!

Looking back at the photos from the judging you can see what a real effort was made prior to the judging. The whole town is improving and it can only continue to get better.

There were some funny highlights, particularly when we were in Parklands, looking at a slightly weedy, shabby little patch of garden, thinking it a little odd that the really well maintained floral display round the corner hadn't entered! Luckily the owner of the lovely garden came out to water as we walked past and we realised that we got the wrong address! Oh How we laughed! *had to be there*

David, the last Town Clerk drove the bus for us and did a spectacular job, in particular taking out a massive chunk of bank with the bus step that hadn't retracted! He drove through some pretty tiny lanes but it all went very well, oh, and the lady who was going to set her dogs on us as she had forgotten that we would be judging that day. She looked out to find 6 people wandering around her garden, must have been a shock! haha

Diana, Ann and Tony came along too for the ride and Diana caused great amusement as usual!

All in all it was a very good 'epic' experience, we judged quickly, thoroughly and it was a fair competition.

The results are now out and can be found on we will have a presentation evening later in the year for the winners and I'm sure that will be epic too!

Thank you for reading!

D :)

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