Tuesday 12 July 2011

New Beginnings Part Two - Preparation!

Hi Blog Followers! This is officially my most boring blog ever! But for me in my own girly *I cant do DIY to save my life* kind of way it was an epic adventure, so therefore had to be blogged! There are opportunities within for you to giggle at innuendo so it may make it more tolerable!

So, new beginning for me, I need a desk to study and also use for my 'Fighting Fit Devon' planning and preparation. To me having a desk made it 'proper' rather than sitting on the sofa doing paperwork.
It made it real!

Desk hunting wasn't going well, even desks in Totnes market and charity shops were expensive, so I did the bad thing and went and got an Argos value range desk and chair set! Very cheap but will do for now.

A very nice guy out with his family in Newton Abbot offered to help carry it to my van, I obviously declined being the stubborn cow that I am, even though it was awkward and I'd parked in the very corner of the car park!
Anyway, got it home, left it in the van overnight and decided to face it after my run on the Coast Path when I would be more chilled and focused.

So I faced the box of doom! After a brief struggle with the box itself I finally got all the bits laid out and stared at the instructions as though in some kind of Mexican stand-off!

All the parts were numbered and lettered, what joy! They knew it was me.
Bad part, my screwdriver battery was flat, I would have to manually screw together the whole thing!*innuendo opp #1*

So I actually read the instructions, insert this into that and screw! *innuendo opp #2*

A couple of times I had bits the wrong way round and had to re-do it! Typical girl, didn't read the instructions properly heehee :)

Anyway, by the end my hands were throbbing #3 and I was tired after nearly an hour of screwing #4 but I did it!

I finally had a solid upstanding erection in my bedroom! *Innuendo opp #5 and the best I think you will agree*

And I am now sat typing this blog at said erection, my new desk!

The End

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