Thursday 21 July 2011

Dogs on Dartmoor and the Avon Dam

Good Afternoon all, and a very Happy Thursday to you.

This morning, the sun was out, the dogs and I had our usual cycle along the river path to Dartington. Thetdogs were as energetic as usual and I thought, why not completely wear the little worsits out before my Mum arrives!

Breakfast, washing and a bit of cleaning done and I lycra'd myself up and chucked the dogs in the van.

We headed off South Brent direction onto the moor and parked up.

2 very excited little pups legged it out of the van and straight into the stream! Bless!
Off we ran, and ran, and ran, I think you get the picture, anyway we ran up to the Avon Dam on Dartmoor. It was only a short run by my standards but we hit it hard and fast and broke into a proper sweat!

The dogs decided to go against orders and go into the danger area for a swim, then we hit the track back to the van.

Brief but epic adventure, hope you like the photos?

Now Paddy and Murphy are fast asleep and dreaming of their adventure


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