Monday 27 February 2012

The 24 Hour Gymathon!

Just sat down to blog this and realised I have no coffee, this is essential today, I'm feeling a tad sleepy. Be right back!
I have coffee!

So, Saturday 25th February, 6am I was up! Legged it out with the dogs round the field, packed the last of what I needed for the epic and then I was off to Torquay!

I unlocked the gym, but today was like no other, no setting up, no hoovering, no work except hard physical endurance.
Not long after I got there the lovely Spartan Survival Team turned up. So then there were 3!
I put on some music and started to get my head in gear for a slightly different kind of Torquay all-nighter!

The 3 of us started to warm up whilst we waited for the tiny and indestructible Julie aka Twitter lady (according to Amy) eventually she turned up making us 4!

To be fair, I had a flu virus the week leading up to this, I had some medication which was working ok and I felt the best I had in days, but my cough was still there, for the entire 24 hours! There is nothing more annoying than a sinus headache and a 24 hour endurance event!

So the first hour of cardio circuits went ok! I will say this, and I know that all concerned in the event will agree with me - rowing! Never again! You will never get me on a flipping rowing machine for more than 5 minutes ever again! I think I am mentally damaged from it, sat in the corner staring at the wall going forwards and back and never getting anywhere! I'm getting a Flashback, I think I may need therapy!

Onto the first area of resistance - I trained my back! Which was nice :)

Gemma, the tiny little dancing Zumba Queen arrived and promised us an easy time! Cardio-wise I thought it was ok, however, I dont think any of us managed to get any of the routines right, but we did laugh, and laugh and laugh at ourselves an awful lot!
As many of you know I'm not a fan of the Zumba, but I am a fan of the way Gemma takes her classes, if you've never tried Zumba and want an ace instructor she's your gal! Enthusiatic, smiley and great fun.

And then on we went, I attempted a pilates-style class which half killed the Spartan Survival Team haha but they were to get revenge in the Boxing session.

I loved the Boxing section, it's nice for me to get taught new skills, I know I do Kickboxing, but there is a difference between what I do and straight Boxing. To be honest, I fancy getting into it in a bigger way now,the way we were taught was fun, but firm and I have to say it was the first time in the event that I struggled with my lungs! With some marching (fast) and exercise military-style to finish the Spartan Team were a huge success.

I don't want to bore you anymore with individual sessions, but a brief run-down of what went on for the rest of the time we were there.

Ed' abs! Never have I been in a class where the Instructor starts every exercise with the words, 'well go on then!' Ed is hilarious and seriously worked our abs. I am still in pain now, I have also made a mental note to nick his exercises for my classes now! You lot are going to hate me even more when I introduce these bad boy exercises!

Late night aerobics, 11pm, Jo had joined us and the Spartan Team left, so instead of just staying in the studio for the aerobics, we decided to take it round the gym, making full use of the steps and punchbags. It was hilarious, and the cancan-style legwork laying on the benches was so so funny it really picked up the mood and kept us going.

Another highlight for me was the 2am kettlebells! Jo had never done them before and Julie and I shared exercises. It was a brilliant session. All of us counting, together in sync smiling away in the mirror giving ourselves the biggest round of applause between sets.

I think if anyone had been filming us in those early morning sessions they would have thought that we should have been locked up. I think an endurance event, particularly one that involves a lack of sleep will make your mind a little muddled at times. But I also think with this muddling that it helps you get through it.

Every time my pain killers wore off I suffered, but the next lot kicked in and I was up and at it again, the music helped, we had some old skool dance music on for most of the event and when I hear the Urban Cookie Collective - The key, the secret again I will have fond memories of us doing the conga around the gym as part of our cardio aerobic session!

We made it though, for the stretch at the end we tucked ourselves into the the Boxing ring with the mats, like we were in a playpen, we stretched all that was possible to stretch and finished the event with a massive cheer and group hug!

Amazing time, amazing company, and I would like to thank Oscar Phillips for letting us use his gym, Peak Physique TQ, very generous. I hope that the donations to VETERANS CHARITY will give some relief and benefit.
There is still time to donate -

Thanks for reading :)

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