Wednesday 22 February 2012

Inner child

Again? I hear you cry? Have you gone totally Totnesian on us? Inner child blog?

Bear with me, and maybe I have spent too long in this town, but I've always had some hippie tendencies so it's only to be expected.

My BounceFit spacehooper classes were born from my need to embrance my inner child. Otherwise known as - runabout laugh and scream without a care in the world without responsibility for as long as you can get away with it, before returning to the normality of adulthood and bills!

I know myself well enough now that I have to have these episodes of lunacy to keep myself sane the rest of the time.
I've always said to people, 'you know when you see kids running around the playground or after school just running about, well I never stopped that!' At some point in a persons life they decided to just walk around without the excitement and exuberance of a child. It seems a sensible approach to be fair, but I still think it's so much quicker, and more fun to have a little run or skip there!
And talking of skipping! I just flipping love it! Nothing like a skip along the sea front!

I think I have more inner child to be embraced than most, either that or I just realise it and try not to cover it up! There's no fun in behaving like an adult all the time, I have to be let off the lead for a good run in the fresh air! (oh wait, thats a dog reference, not child! Save that for another time - Blog about animal instincts! Hmmm, maybe not!)

Today I took my little ballerina self off to the new studios.
I made sure my shoes were right, dance tights and top and ballet cardigan.
Little Deborah was ready to do big person Ballet!
I felt strange, slightly lost, my Mum always was with me for Ballet, and in a strange way I'm quite upset she wasn't there to see me go back to it after so long.

Mum did Ballet too and encouraged me to do it, which I loved. And I am so glad she did as it set up my legs for life! Today I was watching our Ballet teacher, I looked at the shape of her legs, in particular her quads, and then looked at mine in the mirror next to her. They were the same shape! Ballet does set your posture and your shape if you do it from a young age and for a long time.
I still have good posture and a natural way of pulling in everything when I stand. More people should do Ballet I reckon.

So, stood at the barre, not the bar as I usually do! Feelings came flooding back to me. The nerves of Ballet exams, remembering what Pas de chat means, remembering my Grand jete from my petit jete, my little pink cardigans that my Mum knitted for me. Sewing the ribbons onto my pink shoes.

So I guess what I'm saying is - Ballet, another excuse for me to leap back into the innocence of my childhood. Another form of escapism to leave the world that is so scary and full of responsibilities and worries. Another tiny escape that is so necessary for me, so when I step out again into the real world, I can cope with it.

Everyone needs to escape sometimes, escape into the innocence of your past, when life was easy but you didn't quite realise it at the time. If you try this you will really realise how good we had it.

That's it, I'm off to do some drawing now and maybe a little colouring in! ;)

Go on, be a tad childish today!

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