Saturday 18 February 2012

Spacehoppers, Kickboxing and preparation!

Hi All,

I've been a little too busy to blog lately so thought I'd have a massive catch up of so far this year!

I'm currently on the sofa in my sleeping bag feeling like pants :( I've had a cough for a few weeks and now it's decided to turn into a mini virus. I made it through both Boxercise and BounceFit this morning (with the aid of some hardcore painkillers) and now I'm doing the resting thing.

So, back to January - the first exciting thing is obviously the new Agatha Christie Book Collection series! haha, and with that in mind, and the fact that my birthday is in January I decided to have a murder mystery evening at The Bayhorse.
20's style dress code and a lot of writing for me.

I mostly planned this in between my Kickboxing sessions at Winners in our hours break. With the likes of an actress (me!) Vicar, Lord and Lady of the Manor, a Maid, stablegirl and many more obvious suspects I thoroughly enjoyed planning it all.

So just before my birthday I had a little excitement - BBC Spotlight contacted me as they had heard about my BounceFit classes. Hamish asked if they could come over to Marldon and film it.Of course I jumped at the chance for the free publicity and let everyone know who had booked that they would soon be local celebrities!
It was a great evening, tiring though, a lot of 'free-bouncing' whilst we were waiting for the cameras to be on us.
I did my best promoting the class and little Lauren was speechless for the first time in her life!
All in all, it was a great boost for Fighting Fit Devon.

Now to my birthday - Champagne, pearl necklaces, feathers, lippy and a couple of murders in the pub. The good old days eh?! haha I loved my 1920's dress, felt quite at home in it.
The Murder Mystery I guess was a bit of a success. Everyone got into their characters and the bubbly flowed!
My birthday ended up with me annoying my neighbours by playing 'Fame' really loud at 4.30am and dancing around in my hotpants!! Oh well, it's the first time I've ever done it in 6 years. They seem ok now haha :()

With all this excitement going on, work was building. I have more hours at Peak Physique and more and more Kickboxers have joined. I now have 9 Juniors :)

I am still staying patient, classes are ok, I will just keep pushing for more. This time next year?! haha

So in a weeks time I will be part-way through the Gymathon, I just need to rest up this week and get myself fit and well for it.

Will be in touch soon


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