Wednesday 28 March 2012

A tiny epic, but important

Painful and annoying week where my fitness is concerned, or should I say, I am concerned about my fitness.
This time last year I was in incredible shape, running 20 miles every Sunday on the Coastpath. Yesterday I struggled with 7k.

The flu virus I had has knocked my fitness levels, but I am determined to get back to what I was before.

Monday night I struggled to do a decent turning kick in class, it annoyed me so much I've been practising ever since.

Yesterday I felt like a beginner at running. My whole body hurt, I felt fat and bloated and heavy. Inclines hurt my lungs and I struggled to recover.

With all that in mind I decided to go again today, I'm usually just a once a week runner as I do so many other forms of exercise in between but I broke my own rule today and decided to do the exact same route again!

Beautiful day again, the steam engine in the distance, running along the cool river Dart. Perfect 'Darling Buds of May' Day, smells of wild garlic, spring flowers everywhere. Perfick!

I kept my shoulders back and down, relaxed, lengthened my stride, breathed easily and enjoyed every second. The inclines were ok and I came back with a smile.

What a difference a day makes! Goes to show, don't ever give up, it takes a struggle but it's worth it in the end.

Think I'm going to go out again tomorrow too!

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