Monday 6 June 2011

First Bike ride in a long time!

Well Hello there!

I must say it's good to be blogging something again, I was having withdrawal symptoms!

So, as it stands I hurt my achilles on the 103 and it's really painful to run on so finally I decided it was time to moss-kill and brush the cobwebs off the green bike!

Odd handlebars, tyres only fit for the cyclepath to Dartington and the most uncomfortable seat I have ever sat on. Still, it has 2 wheels and gears that work so off I went.

Oh, the joy of having a van! So goes the bike and off we go to Dartmoor, not far from Douseland near Princetown and parked up in the Pony car park. (No not Pony as in rubbish there are always Ponies there waiting to say hello to visitors to the moor)

I put on my Dad's old cycle helmet, cant believe how old that probably is now, a lemon may have provided better protection but I made the effort!

A few lessons learnt from this today
1. I need a mountain bike for off-road adventures on Dartmoor
2. I need a bike with a better seat
3. I am much better at running but actually not too hideous on the bike!

I came off only 3 times, which was good, landed in the tufty grass every time too so all good.

I got the Cyclemeter Ap. on my phone this morning so tracked my progress over the moor, I cant believe how crap I am, just under 10k in longer time than it takes me to run! Pathetic! But I guess I have to start somewhere.

I've decided most of my bike adventures have to be on Dartmoor and my runs on the coastpath. Get to appreciate the best of Devon that way. Dartmoor was beautiful out there today.

So there you go, my first biking adventure! Now I need to get a decent bike so I can do stuff properly :)

Chat soon

x Me :)

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