Sunday 19 June 2011

Fathers Day Half Marathon

Well, Welcome along to the very special Father's Day Blog, aka The Torbay Half Marathon.

My lovely friend Keiley Dennis asked me the other day f I knew anyone who would want her place as she would be on holiday in Turkey so wouldn't be able to run.
I thought of someone who fancied it, yep little me! Well, why not.

I've had ankle issues since the 103 and not sure if it would hold out but thought I'd give it a go.

This was my first run since the 103, just 3 weeks ago.

Early night, up for a lift with good friend Neil at 7! Yep we were about 1.5 hrs too early! Haha, cold out, chilly wind but beautiful early morning sun over the beach.

People arrived, we lined up and then we were off!

It's odd running again after a break, plus I'm used to plodding for hours at a time, today was a sprint in comparison, quite hard for me!

First lap went ok I guess, I was bored though at this stage, my knee and ankle hurt too from the road. I've been spoilt with the coastpath, I love the trail runs now and I think that may have been my last road run. It's too much on my 'motorbike knee' and the scenery is pants!
Although do fancy New York Marathon! haha ;)

Some poor lady had KO'd at the side of the road, which distracted a few runners, we kept passing by the elite runners, they were awesome, nothing of them, how they kept going I have no idea! I was hungry by the second lap haha ;)

Although I was bored I still had the challenge in me, at 10 miles and 1 hr 20 mins my friend Neil passed me, so annoying!

At 11 miles I suddenly kicked into Ultra Mode! My body had said to me, ok, warm up over lets plod and run all night. Shame I couldnt :(

12 miles and that was it, my Dad was right by my side in my head, and also a little bit my new running buddy Timmy, I wish he could have run with me again today.
I went for it, I needed to not be beaten by Neil too much haha :)

I saw my friend Martin on route too, well didnt see him but heard his voice shouting at me!
I also saw Maria, one of our Kickboxers and a great friend too, she looked very comfortable both times I saw her and did an epic time!

So, there I am legging it to the finish line, Andy a TKD instructor called out my name just before the finish and I went for the sprint, 1.48.58 just behind Neil who was just seconds in front!

Today was all about my Dad for me.

I've written a few words for him, it made me cry writing them! I am such a soppy git!

The Man I call My Hero, let me run
He let me run beside him.
He gave me his knowledge
Not of skill, or nutrition
Not of trainers, or clothing
He gave me the greatest gift.

The one thing a runner needs,

The will to go on, the will to win,
To achieve your goals and go further,
To exceed your own expectations,
And those of others.

The Man I call My Hero, let me run
He shaped my future,
He was half of my development.
I run and challenge myself,
Because of him.

The Man I call My Hero, let me run
The Angel that supports me, is My Mum!

New challenge awaits! Watch this space another epic adventure soon........

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