Wednesday 28 December 2011

I guess life itself is epic?

Welcome along guys

Been a while since my last blog.
I've been thinking that there is nothing worth blogging about when all seems so boring and unadventurous, but actually I've been finding life a little challenging recently, especially over the festive period.

This is not a sob story, and I dont want sympathy, I just want you all to know what I think sometimes. I know those who read my tweets will know about my honesty and I want that to remain.

Because of the festive season people lost their will to train, became busy with parties and gatherings and shopping. Too busy to come to keep fit and healthy.
As disappointed as I am about this, I realise that my life is based around exercise and training and I shouldn't judge by my own standards.
The only issue for me is that this is now my living, and not my hobby so it's hard to keep smiling at times.

Being my own boss, paying for a mortgage and general day to day living has been super hard work. There was a time when I was on £30k a year, gone are those days. You seem to live to your means eh?
I dont think I could have survived the last few months without the help of my Mum and another very dear friend.
Not to fear - 2012 I will make my millions!!!!! (yep, too much Only Fools and Horses this year too)

I was really looking forward to Christmas Eve, this was the highlight for me, playing and singing in the pub, The Bay Horse and the finest pub in Totnes.

With having to spend 6 hours transposing music for the occasion it had to be worth it.
2 rehearsals at Bob's pad and we were pretty much ready to go.

I had a couple of practice sessions at home on my own and dug out some more sheet music. You know, I had completely forgotten how much I adore playing.
I used to play with a band back in Surrey and was even known as 'Deb the flute' in one pub in Reigate.
Forgot how much it makes your jaw ache though! (stop it!!!!)

And then we played, and I smiled, and then we laughed and should have been playing, and I really felt like me again. The real me.
This was a part of me that hadn't recovered from the experience I like to call, 'The ex boyfriend' we say we dont change but bloody hell I couldn't have changed much more than I did.
So, I have rediscovered my lovely instrument and in the New Year I will back in at the Bay for random Thursday night music to continue playing. This will make me complete.

Did my usual Christmas Eve, vanished off homewards to be on my own and await Father Christmas...... just kidding! haha

Christmas morning, out with the dogs, through the woods, into the river, gave them an epic walk to run off their super doggy enthusiasm for life and back to get ready for the pub.
To be fair, seemed as though I hadn't long left the pub before returning again. Haha
Nice drink with everyone, down to see the lovely Amy at the Steam Packet and then home for a massive nap before Downton.

I know it seems sad, those of you with families you celebrating, lots of food and festivites, but I live down here on my own so had to make the best of it.

I'm not one for invading other peoples gatherings, I know I turned down a few dinners, but its one of those things I'm just like that. A little proud I guess you could say.

I've been invited out for drinks tonight, but because I have no money I wont go. I know, I'm odd, but I wont change!

Anyway, my life is a little weird at the moment, I always feel sad at this time of year without Dad around and so I go into hibernation.
Come spring all will be well!

I hope that you all had a great Christmas and that you stay focused and positive for the coming year ahead.

In the meanwhile, I will try and find something a little more interesting than my life to blog about! haha

See ya soon :)


  1. Debs, don't ever think that your life isn't interesting just cos it's not the same as others, I love reading about what you have been upto and often wish I had the will power (and inclanation) to change things in my life as you have. Maybe in 2012 I will sort myself out and do what I need to do to be happier with myself. Keep on with your blog girl! It's always an encouraging read. Sam xxx
