Thursday 8 September 2011

So, Sunday I was meant to be going to a celebration of Claire and Jen's wonderful new married life together, but I couldn't afford it. I decided, after 2.5 weeks of being ill that I needed to do a little run, so I did a little more than little! Slapton to Prawle Point on the Coast Path. After running 5k with Claire Sunday morning I went straight over to Slapton and parked up. I saw someone I recognised there, about to run too, but couldn't remember where from! Off I went, over taken by the guy I recognised and his running buddy we had a brief chat as we passed and he had come to one of my Boxercise classes. Anyway, off they went, really good runners as I saw them go off into the distance! I then bumped into Carla, one of my Kickboxers, it was her birthday and she was at Beesands for a meal. Then, back to the running. I have to say, that after being ill and only a small bowl of porridge the whole thing was hard going. It was hot, so much that I got sunburnt and I really struggled. I did, however do what I set out to do, and that was to take some photos for Timmy so he could see just how close to death we were on the 103, the photos I've added are of the drops, right next to the path we ran on at night! He may not want to look at them, but it just goes to show what we put ourselves through in the night time section of the run. On the return journey I was passed again by the 2 guys I had met at the start, they had gone in land for a bit but took off up the steps of ridiculous inclie, back to Slapton. I met them in the car park afterwards, they have just set up a company called 'Wild Running' in Totnes, Monday and Thursday nights. Then I saw another Kickboxer, Maria! Funny how you meet people :) Anyway, I dragged myself off back to the van and off homewards. The End :)

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