Monday 15 August 2011

A week away in Bristol

Hi All (all 5 of you! haha)

Back again after an epic adventure in Bristol last week.

I went there to do my 5 day Gym Instructors course with Lifetime, it would have been easier to do it in Exeter but that isn't for a while and I wanted to do it soon.
I decided that I would go up in the van and stay in the van as it would save on costs for accommodation.

I packed up the van with a weeks worth of tinned food and cereal bars and found five sets of lycra for the week! I decided I would find a gym there where I could train in the evening and also get a shower at!

Made it to Bristol and then spent an hour driving around Clifton to find a suitable place to park up for the week. Finally, I have no idea how I did it but I found a space in Victoria Square, I think the poshest part of Bristol, I had only an inch in front of me and behind between the 2 cars! Amazing :)

Anyway, I wont waffle on too much but I met the rest of my class, and our tutor, Katie. I can honestly say that woman is a legend, a legend in pixie form as she is so so tiny!
Katie kept us interested in what we were studying and kept us laughing. I have never known so many people in one room to have a Carry On sense of humour before. The innuendo just kept flowing all week :)

Met Pru, on the course and she managed to get me a cheap pass to Fitness First for the week, which was ace, and a fantastic gym with air conditioning (dont get jealous Totnesians) this was great so every morning a quick session then shower before class, and again in the evening.

I found a lovely pub just up the road, The Albion! Lots of money in that place, good job they didn't know I was sleeping in my van haha :)

Wednesday evening I went for a short exploratory run around Clifton and on Clifton Downs. Did about 6 miles in total and went back to do my homework.

Everyone on the course was fantastic, I've made some great friends and the whole week was hard for my brain after so long, but rewarding and the knowledge has gone in!

Thursday night was hilarious! I drove over to the house of my twitter friend Fairy Fluffkins and prepared for a road trip to see Meschee (another twitter friend) it took us an hour and 20 mins to get there thanks to the lovely Aussie sat nav man. Odly it only took us 40 mins to get home again haha

Met Meschee and her hounds and her massive pussy!Sorry, had to be done!

I think you should check out the Youtube footage of exactly what happened that night, I have not laughed so much in a long time.
Thanks chicks, very entertaining :)

So Friday came, after a perfect sleep on Fairy's sofa, so comfy after sleeping in the van. Drove back to Clifton for my final day.

Cooldown, core/abs and static stretches.

We all exchanged facebook details! Haha, gone are the days of getting someones address or phone number!

Sad to leave, but left with happy memories and the dark gaps of my brain now filled with my new future.

Speak soon
